On Policylook, you can

Bring up your concerns.

Show your opinion with votes.

Find allies with the same views.

Know your local candidates.

Start a movement and make changes.

Bring up your concerns about:

Government policies,

Political figures,

Controversial comments,

And other debatable topics.

Show your opinion with votes

Your votes matter.

The public gets it.

What about the politics?

Have your save as comments.

Find allies who share the same view.

Someone has similar votes as you.

Someone favorites the same comments.

Someone has mutual allies with you.

Someone joins the same group as you.

You can find all the above ones by the alliance score between you and them.

Know the local candidates.

Your local candidates hear your voice here.

You may also hear from them here.

And you know how much your local member can do for you.

Start a movement and make changes.

You can create parties here.

You can join parties here.

Your voice becomes stronger when backed by your party members.
